Sheep Farm Idle Game Unlimited gold download is a spiritual healing casual ranching mobile game where players can take on the role of a rancher and own a lovely sheep pasture. They raise sheep, sell wool to expand their pastur"/>
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  • Sheep Farm Idle Game Unlimited gold download

  • 类型:休闲益智 大小:117.68 MB
  • 语言:简体中文 时间:2024-08-27
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Sheep Farm Idle Game Unlimited gold download is a spiritual healing casual ranching mobile game where players can take on the role of a rancher and own a lovely sheep pasture. They raise sheep, sell wool to expand their pastures, and tame wild animals for more revenue. The game is a standard business simulation, with players constantly buying sheep, hiring managers to improve business efficiency, and completing various tasks to earn money for development.

Sheep Farm  Idle Game Unlimited gold游戏截图

Sheep Farm Idle Game Unlimited gold游戏特色:

1、 Simulate business play, collect wool by pushing carts and sell to earn income.

2、 Cute sheep characters and diverse pasture construction bring visual enjoyment.

3、 healing the soul of the leisure experience, incarnation of the rancher to start the journey of feeding sheep.

Sheep Farm Idle Game Unlimited gold游戏亮点:

1、 vertical version of European and American painting style, the overall picture is divided into the top status bar, the bottom menu and the middle main interface.

2、 continue to expand the pasture, tame wild animals, earn more income.

3、 Upgrade the level of ranch construction, complete various tasks, earn development funds, and achieve a huge sheep ranch.

Sheep Farm Idle Game Unlimited gold游戏点评:

choose to promote the lower sheep level or invest in the higher sheep, based on growth and income to make decisions.






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