首页 >动作冒险>City On Mars game for android
  • City On Mars game for android

  • 类型:动作冒险 大小:1250 MB
  • 语言:简体中文 时间:2024-08-30
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City On Mars game for android puts you in the role of a city creator and director, responsible for building a unique city out of nothing. From the initial resource collection to the city's vigorous development, every decision will affect the future of the city. The transportation system in the game is designed to be both realistic and complex, requiring clever planning by the player to ensure the vitality of the city. The development of science and technology is not only for the prosperity of the city, but also for the ability to build a strong defense against outside intrusion.

City On Mars game游戏截图

City On Mars game游戏特色:

1、 From scratch, the freedom to plan your city blueprint, to create a unique city.

2、As the builder of the city, players will start by collecting basic resources and gradually build up their own city. We will rationally plan the urban layout, optimize the transportation network, and enhance the efficiency of urban development. At the same time, through scientific and technological progress and military construction, the city is protected from enemies. The game not only requires the player to have the macro planning ability, but also tests the micro management skills. When the player leaves the game, the city continues to grow, waiting for the player to return to collect the results.

3、 even if not online, the city still develops, every return has a surprise.

City On Mars game游戏亮点:

1、 constantly promote technology, unlock new buildings and facilities, and lead the city into a new era.

2、 Build a strong army to protect your territory and compete for more resources.

3、 promote the advancement of science and technology, build a strong army, protect your city from enemies.

City On Mars game游戏点评:

population, electricity, food and transportation, comprehensive simulation of real city management.






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